About Nornickel Group
Nornickel Group Nornickel Group includes PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel and its subsidiaries (“Nornickel”, the “Group” or the “Company”) is a leader of the Russian metals and mining industry, ranks No. 1 among the world’s producers of palladium and high‑grade nickel, and is one of the major producers of platinum, copper, cobalt, and other metals globally. Nornickel is a vertically integrated holding boasting a full production cycle, from ore mining to refining, along with our own energy, transportation and support assets, as well as research and development capabilities.
The Nornickel Group Responsible Supply Chain Report (the “Report”) covers the following production assets of the Company located in RussiaThe Report covers the Group’s Russian entities.
Norilsk Division
including inter alia:
- Polar Subdivision of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel (“Polar Division”)
- Medvezhy Ruchey LLC
Trans‑Baikal Division
including inter alia:
- JSC Kola MMC (“Kola MMC”)
Kola Division
including inter alia:
- GRK Bystrinskoye LLC (“Bystrinsky GOK”)
The production processes of each division are described in more detail in Nornickel’s 2023 Annual Report and Sustainability Report, as well as in related sections on the Company’s corporate website.