Summary of responsible supply chain results in 2023
Nornickel’s Board of Directors approved the Company’s Sustainable Social Development Strategy, with an objective to ensure supply chain transparency in terms of social criteria
Due diligence checks were conducted on mineral suppliers of Norilsk Division and Kola MMC, including internal suppliers that are part of the Group. No risks were identified in supply chains following the due diligence
A standard for due diligence of mineral suppliers was integrated in Medvezhy Ruchey LLC (part of Norilsk Division)
A pilot assessment was held for sustainability practices of the largest suppliers of goods, works and services for compliance with the Code requirements.
The Company’s events on development responsible sourcing in 2023
Siberian Perspective sustainable development summit
In 2023, Nornickel held the Siberian Perspective international sustainability summit at the Krasnoyarsk Pillars National Park, with sustainable development and responsible sourcing as its key topics. The event saw over 200 participants, including experts in responsible supply chains, businessmen, the Group’s suppliers and other stakeholders.
The business programme of the summit discussed responsible supply chain and conscious consumption matters, as well as roles of businesses and customers in these processes. Experts discussed establishing responsible supply chains, from the extraction of minerals to their delivery to processing companies and product manufacturers, and then to end consumers. Attendees also discussed innovation in waste disposal and use of recycled materials.
The event featured a practical session with a business game dedicated to responsible sourcing and a guided tour to a precious metals production plant which is Nornickel’s supplier.
Dialogue with stakeholders
Each year, Nornickel engages in a dialogue with stakeholders, including suppliers, as part of drafting its sustainability reports. In November 2023, the Company hosted the Staying on Track For a Sustainable Future: 20 years of Nornickel’s Non‑Financial Reporting business breakfast. Its participants discussed the Company’s approach to assessment of materiality of the Sustainable report topics, and Nornickel’s representatives spoke about key development tracks, including the responsible supply chain, human rights, social strategy, biodiversity conservation, major environmental projects and innovation. More than 130 participants took part in the dialogue.