Management of the responsible supply chain for mineral raw materials, goods, works and services
For the purpose of managing its responsible supply chain, the Group divides its suppliers into two categories.
Mineral suppliersThe Group’s mineral suppliers include suppliers of mined minerals (primary processed material which has never been previously refined) and suppliers providing minerals transportation, their processing and loading/unloading services.
Responsible mineral supply chain
The supply chain Due Diligence Management System (the “System”) sets out the procedure of mineral suppliers due diligence against risks related to the supply of minerals from conflict areas, human rights violations, money laundering, fraud, and corrupt practices.
The System aims to ensure and monitor mineral suppliers’ compliance with Nornickel’s corporate standards and the applicable international standards and initiatives.
In 2021, the System was deployed at Kola MMC and rolled out in 2022 to Polar Division and Bystrinsky GOK. In 2023, the System was integrated into the practices of Medvezhy Ruchey LLC.
Suppliers of goods, works and servicesSuppliers of goods, works, and services include all of the Group’s supplier categories.
Responsible supply chain for goods, works and services
In 2023, the Company established its approach to assessing sustainability practices of suppliers of goods, works and services, which is based on sustainability principles described in the Code. The assessment process envisages a survey and includes analysis and assessment of the supplier operations’ ESG component.
The key purpose of the survey is to assess the suppliers’ compliance with Nornickel’s corporate ESG standards.