About the Report
Since 2008, Nornickel has been keeping its stakeholdersStakeholders are individuals, legal entities, groups, associations and other organisations whose interests can be potentially affected by the Company’s operations, as well as parties that can influence it. informed about the Group’s choice of suppliers and procurement practices as part of its annual and sustainability reports.
Nornickel’s brands of nickel, cobalt and copper are registered on the London Metal Exchange (the “LME”), which requires that the Group comply with the LME Responsible Sourcing Policy. This Policy includes a requirement to comply with the Organisation for Economic Co‑operation and Development’s Guidance (the “OECD Guidance”)OECD Guidance means the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.. As a result, the companies whose brands are represented at LME shall disclose information under the five steps of the OECD Guidance.
Since 2021, Nornickel is in compliance with the responsible mineral supply chain requirements of the OECD Guidance. Starting 2023, the Company annually publishes reports containing the findings of mineral suppliersFor the purpose of this report, mineral suppliers means suppliers of mineral raw materials. due diligence, and also discloses information on its supply chain. Nornickel’s responsible supply chain reports are available in Russian and English on the Company’s website and addressed to a wide range of stakeholders.
by the Board of Directors of MMC Norilsk Nickel
Minutes № GMK/12-pr-sd dated 22.05.2024
by the Committee on Sustainable
Development and Climate Change of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel
Minutes №3 dated 15.05.2024
by the Management Board of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel
Minutes № GMK/8-pr-p dated 02.05.2024
Responsible supply chain disclosure drivers
When making its supply chain disclosures, the Company relies on the requirements of industry and international standards and best practices.
The Company develops its responsible supply chains in accordance with its mission, which is to supply the world with non‑ferrous metals, efficiently and safely using natural resources and equity. It stands to note that the supply chain transparency is a priority in Nornickel’s Sustainable Social Development Strategy. Furthermore, not only building sustainable interaction with suppliers is in line with the Group’s strategy, but it also ensures compliance with responsible supply chain requirements and standards, such as the LME and OECD Guidance, and customer requests. Among other things, this supports Nornickel’s competitive edge and also increases customer loyalty and loyalty in the Group’s products.
“Nornickel is consistent in its supply chain management. Each participant of the supply chain, from a supplier to an end consumer, is important for the overall process. We keep working to ensure that each stage of the product manufacturing and supply is reliable for the parties involved and transparent for all stakeholders. It is a key driver of our sustainability achievements".
Anton Berlin,
Vice-President – Head of the Sales Division
at PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel

Report structure
The Report consists of two sections and contains information on Nornickel’s activities in responsible supply chain management regarding.
Mineral raw materials (section 1)
the section describes the Group’s mineral supply chain Due Diligence Management System and the suppliers due diligence findings in 2023.
Mineral suppliers due diligence is a process through which the Company assesses mineral suppliers for compliance with the OECD Guidance.
Goods, works and services (section 2)
the section describes Nornickel’s approach to the management of a responsible supply chain of supply of goods, works and services, and the findings of the pilot sustainability survey of suppliers in 2023.
The sustainability survey of suppliers of goods, works and services helps assess the suppliers’ sustainability practices for compliance with PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel’s Supplier Code of Conduct.